Our goal is to provide knowledge and quality that helps the client effectively achieve their goals and solve their challenges.

Thor BekeManaging partner
Our history

Vaar er et advokatfirma som fungerer som en strategisk samarbeidspartner i en stadig skiftende forretningsverden. Vi spesialiserer oss innen teknologi, anskaffelser, arbeidsrett, eiendom og transaksjon. Disse områdene utgjør en viktig del av dagens forretningslandskap, og vi er stolte av vår ekspertise på disse feltene. Vi hjelper våre klienter med å lykkes i en verden der konstant endring er normen.

We are passionate about providing a close and responsive customer experience. We understand that legal challenges cannot always be planned, and therefore, we are always available to support our clients when the need arises. We take the time to understand the unique needs, goals, and vision of each business. We work in partnership with our clients to develop customized and strategic solutions that give them a competitive edge.

We serve a diverse client base that ranges from small startups to well-established organizations, in both the private and public sectors. Regardless of size or industry, our clients will find that we are agile, innovative, and focused on delivering results that provide added value.

We are curious and committed to innovation. We continuously explore new approaches and smart solutions to help our clients navigate an increasingly complex legal landscape. With Vaar, you get more than just legal advice – you get a dedicated partner. 

Corporate Social Responsibility

It is important for us to conduct our business in the most sustainable way possible and to take an active responsibility for this in the community we are part of. As a law firm, we operate with a high ethical standard. Therefore, we find it important to use the opportunity we have to influence society by sharing our professional knowledge, and we support several good organizations.

We are experts in
our areas of expertise

We act as a strategic partner for our clients, and assessments are always linked to the client's strategy and goals.

The people of Vaar

Vaar Consulting

We assist in the implementation of the entire procurement process or parts of it, and have helped our clients procure everything from complex IT systems to simple off-the-shelf products.
Stay up to date

Fra frykt til fremgang: Hvordan AI endrer måten vi jobber på

Hva skjer med ansettelsesforholdene når kunstig intelligens gradvis overtar flere arbeidsoppgaver? For mange arbeidstakere betyr dette at...
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Vaar styrker laget med tre nye medarbeidere!

Vaar Advokat vokser videre! Med tre nye, sterke tilskudd til teamet vårt, fortsetter vi å styrke vår...
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Mener norske ledere har KI-angst

Norske ledere er for trege med å ta i bruk kunstig intelligens, mener Experis og Vaar Advokat....
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Vaar Portal
The digital source to all your questions related to public procurement

Vaar Portal is an innovative and useful tool that gathers everything you need to know about public procurement on one platform. The portal contains comprehensive and continuously updated comments on the regulations regarding public procurement written by Marianne H. Dragsten.

Contact us

If you have any questions or need assistance within one of our areas of law, you can fill out the form below, and we will contact you:

    Reference clients

    We are proud to be working with some of Norway's most exciting organisations: