Marianne H. Dragsten


Phone : +47 932 19 759
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About Marianne

Marianne H. Dragsten is one of the country's leading experts in public procurement and is passionate about her field. As a legal advisor, she ensures that advice and assistance contribute to good, efficient processes where the quality of procurement is central. She is driven by the fact that the field offers challenging legal issues while being a distinctly practical subject.

Marianne works both legally and operationally and has extensive experience assisting both contracting authorities and suppliers with the execution of procurements and bid preparation in the planning and competition phases. This gives her the practical competence necessary to provide good, solution-oriented advice throughout the procurement process.

Marianne is committed to communication and knowledge transfer, both through collaboration with contracting authorities and suppliers in specific cases, and as a course and lecture presenter. Marianne ensures that clients gain more competence following her assistance.

Marianne has extensive experience in litigation and is a solid trial lawyer. She is also a member of the Complaints Board for Public Procurement (KOFA) and regularly handles complaints within a broad range of issues in procurement law.

Her interest in the field has led Marianne to write several books on public procurement. The latest addition to her collection is a commentary edition to the new procurement regulations, completed in 2020.

Areas of Expertise

  • Procurement
  • Administrative Law
  • Dispute Resolution
  • State Aid

Work experience

Vaar Advokat - Partner og advokat
2015 - 2023
KOFA – Klagenemda for offentlige anskaffelser - Nemdsmedlem
Advokatfirmaet Berngaard Sandbek - Partner og advokat
2012 - 2017
AnskaffelseXperten - Partner og advokat
2015 - 2016
DLA Piper Norway - Partner og advokat
2000 - 2012
Advokatfirmaet Haavind - Advokat og assosiert partner
2003 - 2004
Drammen tingrett - Dommerfullmektig