About Vaar

A law firm that serves as a strategic partner in an ever-changing business world.

Close relations

We work efficiently and are passionate about providing a customer experience that is close and responsive.

Strategic partner

We act as a strategic partner for our clients, and assessments are always linked to the client's strategy and goals.


We are curious and focused on innovation. Therefore, we continuously work to find new and smart solutions that both we and our clients can benefit from.

This is Vaar

Welcome to Vaar - a law firm that serves as a strategic partner in an ever-changing business world.

We specialize in sustainability, technology, procurement, employment law, privacy, and regulatory issues. These areas constitute an important part of today's business landscape, and we take pride in our expertise in these fields. We assist our clients in succeeding in a world where constant change is the norm.

We are passionate about providing a close and responsive customer experience. We understand that legal challenges cannot always be planned, and therefore, we are always available to support our clients when the need arises. We take the time to understand the unique needs, goals, and vision of each business. We work in partnership with our clients to develop customized and strategic solutions that give them a competitive edge.

We serve a diverse client base that ranges from small startups to well-established organizations, in both the private and public sectors. Regardless of size or industry, our clients will find that we are agile, innovative, and focused on delivering results that provide added value.

We are curious and committed to innovation. We continuously explore new approaches and smart solutions to help our clients navigate an increasingly complex legal landscape. With Vaar, you get more than just legal advice – you get a dedicated partner. 

Corporate Social Responsibility

It is important for us to conduct our business in the most sustainable way possible, and that we take an active responsibility for this in the society we are a part of.

Stiftelsen sykehusbarn

Vaar Advokat offers Stiftelsen Sykehusbarn financial support as well as services at discounted prices. Vaar Advokat has been represented on the board since 2015 and assists the organization on an ongoing basis according to the foundation's various legal needs.


Vaar Advokat has assisted in establishing the organization in Norway and is represented on the board. Vaar Advokat continuously supports the organization according to its various legal needs and has had extensive collaboration with the main organization in the United Kingdom. Vaar Advokat offers Sightsavers financial support as well as services at discounted prices.

UN Global Compact

Vaar Advokat is connected to the UN Global Compact, which is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. This means that we commit to following and implementing the UN Global Compact's ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption in our business:

Human rights
Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; an
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Through our participation in the UN Global Compact, we work to make these principles an integrated part of our firm

Join our team

Become a part of our team

We are always looking for skilled individuals with high expertise in our core areas; procurement, technology, and privacy. If you are interested in working with us, we would be pleased to receive your application and CV. Please send an email to post@vaar.law.


An internship at Vaar is an excellent opportunity to get to know the industry and develop skills, gain practical experience, and unique insight into what the workday of a business lawyer looks like. Interns with us get to work on exciting tasks within our core areas.

A typical internship lasts for 6 weeks. We prefer for our interns to have completed their third year of law studies. Send your application and CV to post@vaar.law.

«Available and hands-on team with a high level of expertise.
Grasps the essence of the situation we address to them quickly.»

« Their lawyers are very competent within IT procurement, public procurement and contract law.
They are always available for their clients – daytime, evenings, weekends and vacations!
They have reasonable legal fees and are always trying to finish a task as quickly as possible
– instead of ballooning the billing.
They have great social skills and are fun to hang out with. »

Legal 500

Reference clients

We are proud to be working with some of Norway's most exciting organisations:

Contact us

If you have any questions or need assistance within one of our areas of law, you can fill out the form below, and we will contact you: