Anskaffelsesteamet hos Vaar ledes av noen av landets ledende advokater, Espen Bakjord og Marianne Dragsten. Vår erfaring strekker seg over alle aspekter av offentlige anskaffelser, og vi arbeider for å være en støttende partner for både oppdragsgivere og leverandører gjennom hele prosessen. In addition to long and extensive experience from legal practice, several of our lawyers and legal associates have practical experience as purchasers in public enterprises. This broad experience facilitates a holistic approach to various issues that can arise in a procurement process, and we strive to find solutions that are both pragmatic and effective.
We assist in the implementation of the entire procurement process or parts of it, and have helped our clients procure everything from complex IT systems to simple off-the-shelf products. og store entreprisekontrakter, til enklere hyllevareprodukter. Vi forsøker alltid å tilby rådgivning og løsninger som er tilpasset våre kunders individuelle behov og mål.
Vi påtar oss ansvaret for gjennomføringen av hele eller deler av anskaffelsesprosessen
Marianne H. DragstenPartner
Our expertise in procurement is complemented by our knowledge in technology. This combination gives us the ability to assist efficiently in IT procurements, including ERP systems, welfare technology, and cloud services. We are also engaged in the development of technology used in the procurement process, such as IT tools for public procurements, standard contracts, and evaluation models for bids. For example, we have been heavily involved in the development of Norway's newest KGV solution, Artifik.
In addition, we offer a range of more traditional legal services, such as ongoing advice, investigations, and complaint handling. Although we always strive to find the most appropriate and practical solutions for our clients, we are also ready to assist with dispute resolution, both through the Complaints Board for Public Procurement (KOFA) and the courts. Our lawyers are available for such assignments at short notice, with a constant commitment to serving our clients' interests in the best possible way.
Gjennomgang av konkurransedokumenter, kvalitetssikring av tilbud
Valg av anskaffelsesstrategi, utarbeidelse av konkurransedokumenter, rådgivning i evalueringsprosesser
Klagebehandling og tvisteløsning
Kontraktsoppfølging og -forvaltning
Forvaltningsrettslige spørsmål i anskaffelsesprosesser
We offer procurement assistance through a dedicated advisory company: Vaar Consulting. The company possesses specialized expertise within the entire procurement area and assists in all phases of the purchasing process, both at the operational and strategic level. Close collaboration across the companies ensures advice of high professional quality.
Legal 500 har nå publisert rangeringen for EMEA 2024. Rangeringen baseres på undersøkelser og intervjuer Legal 500 har foretatt blant klienter.Les hele
Chambers & Partners har denne uken publisert sin årlige ranking av Europas ledende advokatfirmaer. Marianne H. Dragsten, partner i Vaar Advokat, er toppranket innen kategorien Competition/Antitrust: Public procurement.Les hele