
Vaar is a leading law firm within the technology sector, boasting some of the most experienced and knowledgeable lawyers in the country. Our insight and experience in technology law cover a wide range, enabling us to offer tailor-made services adapted to each client's unique needs and expectations. 

Technology is an integral part of all aspects of today's business world, and vi therefore, we specialize in the execution of technology procurements, drafting detailed contracts, and contract negotiations for purchasing or salg of cloud services. Our extensive experience with complex IT contracts and contract law enables us to provide full support throughout the entire process, from drafting and negotiation to systematic follow-up of concluded IT contracts. We are also an active participant in the Data Association's efforts to standardize IT agreements, especially within the cloud service area. 

Den teknologiske utviklingen skaper muligheter, men stiller også komplekse krav

Thor BekeManaging partner

Privacy is another important area with significant technological implications. We have developed specialized expertise to navigate the extensive and demanding regulations, and assist our clients with all types of issues within privacy. This includes finding solutions that comply with legal requirements as well as the business needs of our clients. 

Our expertise also extends to intellectual property law and associated areas such as patent and trademark law. We assist our clients with intellectual property issues related to IT contracts, handle the transfer and purchase of intellectual property rights, draft agreements for the deposit of source codes, and manage disputes regarding software rights. 

  • IT-anskaffelser
  • IT-kontrakter
  • Kjøp og bruk av skytjenester
  • Transaksjoner og andre selskapsrettslige handlinger
  • Standardisering av IT-avtaler
  • Kontraktsoppfølging
  • Kontraktsrevisjon
  • Opphavsrett

Vaar is not just a law firm; we are also strategic partners who work closely with our clients. We understand their needs and challenges, and deliver legal solutions that provide real business benefits. We are dedicated to helping our clients navigate the ever-changing technology landscape with confidence and clarity. Our adaptability and flexibility enable us to meet the needs of a wide range of clients, from startups to velwell-established multinational companies. 

We are at the forefront of the latest developments in both technology and the associated legal regulations, with in-depth knowledge of the technical and legal landscape. This positions us as a solid guide and partner for anyone looking to leverage the advantages of modern technological solutions. Whether you are seeking advice on technology procurement, privacy, intellectual property rights, or something else, Vaar is here to guide you through the complexities and help you realize your visions and goals. 

Veiledere &

Vaar følger med på de nyeste utviklingene innenfor både teknologien og jussen som regulerer den. Dette gjør oss til en solid veileder og partner for alle vil dra nytte av fordelene ved å bruke moderne løsninger.


Vi har inngående kjennskap til det tekniske og juridiske mulighetsrommet, og bistår både offentlige og private aktører innen alle bransjer med strategisk rådgivning hvor IT og teknologi er en sentral del av sakskomplekset.

Contact us

Thor Beke

Managing partner

+47 922 31 690

Espen Bakjord


+47 928 27 630

Per Anders Vaagenes


+47 982 22 674

Reference clients

We are proud to be working with some of Norway's most exciting organisations:
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Vaar Advokat utvider tjenesteporteføljen med Vaar Consulting. – Med dette selskapet skal vi bli en totalleverandør innenfor anskaffelsesområdet, sier managing partner, Thor Beke. For å lede det nye forretningsområdet har de fått...